GeoKrishi as an Inclusive Digital Agriculture Solution

मंसिर १२, २०८०  |  Bobin Thapa

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    GeoKrishi holds series of activities such as field level trainings, Digital Agriculture Advisory Service Centre (DAASC), and e-Chautari meet-ups which utilizes the physical spaces and various communication methods to break down the geographic barriers and bridge the technological literacy gaps. These activities focuses on improving the digital literacy and capacity building in farmer by addressing the prevalent issue in community. Both male and female farmers in remote areas can access digital agriculture advisory services.

    The E-Chautari sessions serve as a bridge to connect farmers who lack access to the internet and smartphones. This digital platform enables farmers to ask questions and seek guidance from experts regarding their problems and curiosities in agriculture.

    According to a recent evaluation from GRAPE project, it has come to our attention that GeoKrishi offers extensive advisory services where daily market price information feature plays a pivotal role in enhancing farmer’s bargaining capacity with traders. The availability of features also empowers farmers to make well-informed decisions in their agricultural activities.

    Information provided through the GeoKrishi farm app, notifications, and expert solutions enables farmers to make data-driven decisions about crops and livestock. Particularly in areas, where farmers may face challenges reaching technicians in a timely manner. This initiative becomes instrumental because it ensures that farmers receive immediate technical support and guidance to address crop and livestock issues efficiently. It also fosters climate smart agricultural practices and safe food production practices. The use of various channels, such as live webinars, recorded sessions, notifications, and social media, ensures that farmers can access information conveniently about upcoming weather information, trending diseases and pest information, and assisting farmer to minimize the risk of damage in production.

    Weekly meetings on technical issues and addressing farmer’s queries actively promote community engagement and participation. Through these sessions, farmers can have the opportunity to actively participate, ask questions, and receive expert solutions which serve as a valuable gateway to connect with agricultural and livestock experts.

    Student orientation and mobilization activity is very crucial not only for providing information but also for training students to educate their parents about GeoKrishi. This initiative plays a pivotal role in enhancing digital literacy and empowering all students with various communication and leadership skills, contributing to capacity building. Students, equipped with this knowledge, can extend their outreach to the broader community. By disseminating gained knowledge to farmers and residents in the community, they play a key role in raising awareness about new technologies, including climate-smart technologies, and providing guidance on their sustained implementation over the long term.

    This digital platform serves as a bridge which enables farmers to effortlessly connect with technology for comprehensive solutions of their agricultural barriers and also assist farmers in backward linkage (Input) and forward linkage (Marketing).

प्रकाशित : मंसिर १२, २०८०